I am Batyah Ginzberg, the CEO and Founder of "Ginzberg Creative Arts and Writing, Inc." I am a descendant of the Davidic Line of the Mashiach. I am an Israelite Hebrew Priestess, and my father was a Hebrew Levi Priest. I am an information research specialist, a librarian, an artist, a blogger, a writer, and a businesswoman. I am writing in honor of my Rabbi, in memory of my father Emanuel Ginsburg, and in honor of my mother Jarie Granton. These inspirations Batyah has written are her personal accounts of her understandings of The Hebrew Proverbs based on the original Hebrew text and are written in her creative stream of consciousness poetic style of writing.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

"A Fool Spendeth All His Spirit;
But A Wise Man Stilleth It Within Him"
Proverbs 29:11
Silent moments, Shabbat electronic[lessness] extended during holy fasts: "a wise man stilleth it within him." Fools spendeth their spirits as they drinketh spirits, spending spirits like extra cash at a shopping mall, no spirits left, all spent and withered. The result of losing one's spirit increases "yetzir ha rah" [evil intentions] to increase cash in a spiritless wallet, spiritless=passionless. Passion that could be used to do tikkun olam, [the healing of the world] but instead lives are led as sluggards. The righteous suffers and so our spirituality increases as we beg God to improve our existence after the suffering. God responds to the righteous by giving us more suffering so we get even closer to God. The sinners receive rewards during their lifetime so their spirituality decreases as they live "the good life." These evil-doers do not humble themselves to ask for God's help and therefore continue actions of evil intent because they do not need God, and so their ethics fail as they get further and further away from the 613 Commandments. They live their lives robbing people of human dignity to increase the cash in their wallets because their cash and their spirits are spent. So the ball spins around and we seek quiet to "stilleth" our souls from all the hubbub. On the secular solar calendar New Year's Eve, the ball drops in Times Square New York as the world drops: the righteous, the few and the proud, get fewer and fewer, tikkun olam is not accomplished, the world drops like a globe, and the end of the world gets nearer and nearer, the coming of the Mashiach gets closer and closer. Reasons for a phoenix to rise from the ashes after the secular new year. Picking up the ball, the globe, the earth, after it has fallen, to keep everyone afloat. Happy New Year happens in a Time[less] Square in New York while I am fasting on 10 Tevet. Scrooges are actually not "scrooges" in the fairy tale sense of the word, they are the fewer and the braver, and distribute food to the poor who become poor when their ball drops and their spirits are spendeth. They are the wise men and know how to "stilleth" their souls with the 10 Tevet Holy Fast.

Monday, December 29, 2014

"There Are Friends That One Has To His Own Hurt;
But There Is A Friend That Sticketh Closer Than A Brother."
Proverbs 18:24
Oceanic seagulls feathery, flying to meet and greet Her and diving to drop a myriad of messages at Her welcoming open budding flowery cottage door. Pillows soft, supple, and willows not weeping, pleasing easy nights and dawning days, She writes, She phones, She mails, all as One, in a conglomerate of corporal armies of skirted warriors fighting for equitable equal rights, rhythmically sticking together as strings on golden guitars: One God One Family One Gender of Giants with slingshots to hunt prey, swords cradled in sheathes, the tallit and tefillin are the biggest guns shooting bullets without leaded tips: powerful and peaceful--killing them with kindness, loving-kindess, understanding, wisdom, heavy on forgiveness at the burial grounds. One flock of bountiful birds with the same fine eagle feathers, floating amidst messenger angels. Separate but equal, a mythology of gods of lies, segregation that equals inequalities in distribution and consumption. Friends who hurt, unfriended, friends that help, befriended: comforting, and closer than a fighting family. Friendly perfumed secrets to follow scents, making sense: One God, One Sky, One Friend That Sticketh Closer Than a Sister or Brother.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

"Eat Not The Bread Of Him That Hath An Evil Eye;
Neither Desire Thou His Dainties."
Proverbs 23:6
Clouds, drifting, lifting, passing by, mind mathematically counting goodness, strength in minyans, looking at evil eyes directly, extinguishing flames with gentle water, not desiring his dainties, not needing them. Not hooked into dependencies zapping self-power. Relying on myself, own powers, fighting for rights, speaking up, singing, owning myself, relying on self, own voice, owning a business, cultivating nurturing mother in myself, in every woman. Protecting myself, getting stronger, voice mightier, better results, higher numbers, intellectualism, muscles tighter. Gaining in significance, leading pack, avoiding his dainties, reducing his power, her power gaining, stronger everyday, mightier arms, muscular bodies, tighter tefillin, sharper brain, evil eye losing gaze, his passions doused, her passions increased, his fires extinguished with Miriam's water. Water everywhere, cleanliness everywhere, evil drowning, purity everywhere, strength in purity, strength in strength: Tidal waves over me. Yasher Ko-ach! 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

"Be Not Wise In Thine Own Eyes;
Fear The Lord And Depart From Evil."
~Proverbs 4:7
Departing from evil, purity, achievement, holiness, learning, learning to become wise, being wisdom-wise, quantity of wisdom[s], who to teach, [dis]arrogance, [un]haughty[ness], thinking thoughts wisely, wisely comprehending the choosiest of choices, healthy fruitful living, thoughtful thinking in wisdom[ic] ways. Bottom of hierachy as mortals, all equality for all always. To wish for peace is wisdom, to survive during war is wisdom, to beat all odds is wisdom. Wisdom is Cho-achmah a Hebrew noun with the feminine ending AH.
Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh. Sighing with relief, Cho-achma is wisdom, creativity is intelligence, intellectualism combined with creativity is a combo packed with a boxer's punch, punching computer keys not a boxer's punching bag. Drumming up ideas without bongos, brainstorming, brain not raining, storming like lightening, wishing for an umbrella but not on a sunny day. Takes one to know one. Protection from others who are arrogant, authoritarian, fascist, leaders but leading to nowhere, making one's own choices, Psalm 1: "Blessed is s/he who does not follow the counsel of the wicked." Birds of a feather stick together. Feathers flying, birds dying. Sticking to one's words. "Promising is making an oath." "Making an oath is a Covenant, to be honored." Wisdom is also knowing when to stop.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

"Be Not Desirous Of His Dainties;
Seeing They Are Deceitful Food."
~Proverbs 23:3
Temptations, hot blooded meat, candies, desserts, chocolates, fast cars, mansions, slick leather, silk and lace. Pollution of spirit causing an endless flowing of tears and seeds not growing, sustaining lies, feeding a populace that does not hunger, servicing no one, coveting wanting to feel rushing danger in plenty, hearing sweet music on Saturdays but not singing the right songs, not singing at all. Following her path and keeping step with one's heart that does not bleed. Loving-kindness, but as one jeers for excitement, strangers on a hot night, skies getting darker as the doors open all around me, but doors leading to bomb shells, having everything one needs when being satisfied with one's lot, desiring nothing, just a close connection with pleasantness: the numbers 4 and 613.
Deceitful foods looking like vegetables, not growing vegetables in my garden, vegetables that speak like demons, not enough vegetables, needing to be a vegetable to eat a vegetable. Getting up and dancing with a crowd, crowd disappearing, crowded out, never in a crowd, always in one's own space in one's own mind. Owning one's own mind. Keeping away from debilitating dainties. Having no needs.
"It Is An Honor For a Man To Keep Aloof From Strife;
But Every Fool Will Be Snarling."
~Proverbs 20:3.
Eating meat and developing intelligence, not snarling after snacking, knowing how to pick up lips and lie to keep aloof from strife, going with the flow, traveling places no one else has gone before because the places do not exist. No existence, no strife, no death, no problems. Fools snarl, honorable men wait for their chance to experience a miracle without a fight. Fighting for miracles is not necessary when miracles come without a fight. But how many really do? Snarl and the world snarls back at you, you get nowhere, nowhere is a place to go when you snarl for a living. She gets paid for snarling, snarling is darling but not when it is a tiger with an appetite. We wait for a peaceful deliverance, to phone again 5 times, each time another notch in one's belt, another piece of meat on one's plate. Waiting to snarl after not snarling 5 times, giving up in aghast, biting when the biting comes easy, washing it all off with water, and sipping tea but not for two. Waiting for the Mashiach and waiting for Philadephia Kraft Cream Cheese to go on sale. Snarl when there is no meat, but that day will never come.
"Her Ways Are Ways Of Pleasantness,
And All Her Paths Are Peace."
Proverbs 3:17
Pleasantness, peasants, tilling frozen soil and popping veggies in sweetness to a palate that speaks of peace and not war. Holiness happening as eyes light up, eyes with passion like a flaming Chanukah menorah on the 8th day. Not burning out, eyes as light as the skies, men hungry and sitting in passionate wait, for a day of release from slavery and captivity. Her ways are peace, her ways, not his ways, his ways fight war so she has peace. Ways of pleasantness do not antagonize, uses choice words, like fine meats, mouths filled with bovine, slaughtered with kindness. Cows that chew cud, feet are bare when the Lord takes off your shoes, only to wear boots to fight against illness and pestilence, diseases caused by body impurities, infections setting in when spoils go around, not touching spoils, not touching anyone. Smiling and jumping up and running away, catch me if you can! Intelligence turned into a healthy biological oil spill, needing to do nothing but smile, not hungering, not struggling, energy with healthy synapses--her ways are peaceful. Her name is Naomi. She reads me like a book. All her paths are pleasantly peaceful.
"He That Getteth Wisdom Loveth His Own Soul;
He That Keepeth Understanding Shall Find Good."
Proverbs 19:8
Heated conversation that causes writing words of war, or, sipping tea that soothes me, singing. Readeth Torah and Getteth Wisdom. Loving myself more and more, spreading around wisdom to those who want to know. Loving my words, note-taking, nowhere else, rebelling against all except me, cherishing my words, begging for my speech. Handing out free candy for everything I utter with pleasant minty Hyssop breath. Understanding her as I teach her, understanding she wants to love me, feeling good when they love me. Getting caring motherly love, a secret to save a soul, a renewal of spirit. Binah, understanding, not ridicule, not disappointment, worth a mint. Understanding me causes her to feel good, to find good. She is healing and doing it with Cho-achma and I am loving and owning my own soul and loving hers as she owns hers. She is worth a mint. Chosen for her Binah, Chosen for her Cho-achma, Chosen to teach the world and collect a mint. Minty tea on pleasant breath called Naomi, pleasantness. She sings as she whispers into my ear. My ear hears her singing sweetly even when there is silence. Yes, I will understand forever, and learn forever, never to stop, knowing to understand, understanding to know. Loving and finding Good. Finding Good and God in a Dream.

"Stolen Waters Are Sweet,
And Bread Eaten In Secret
Is Pleasant."
Proverbs 9:17
Getting waters for free, free rivers, free streams, stealing costly water costing nothing to the drinker, stealing waters from others' tithes, healing on donations, donations to pay for stolen water, water cleansing, curing thirst, purifying, calming, moisturizing. Free clothes, no more sackcloth, imported fine fabrics, stolen, donations and tithes for free, sweet coverings on an exhausted body, working but not for money, teaching but not for a pension, stealing sweetness, candies at no cost, a mansion without a leaky roof, all for the Chosen. Angels singing and lifting roof off house, purity and conformity to health, sustenance, understanding, experience, something to know while others do not know. Bread eaten in secret tastes delicious. Enclosed within 4 walls, not knowing what others say or think, no slandering, no gossiping, just angels. White pure in flight. High soprano voices, higher than the clouds, raising me up to aliyah. Wires connected, walking proudly, in the know. Knowing what creates life, and what creates intelligence, what it takes to prophesy, which Ones to remain alive. Reasons for all of life appearing in age-old wisdom, can write and then die. Can leave a legacy online, for all to see and some to read, if you want to know, and also be in the know.
"Even a Fool,
When Holdeth His Peace,
Is Counted Wise;
And He That Shutteth His Lips
Is Esteemed as a Man of Understanding."
Proverbs 17:28
When nothing is said, nothing is known, secrets kept,  no one learns, say it and be betrayed, open Pandora's box lid and they fly out, keeping a lid on it and nothing is heard, when nothing is heard, nothing escapes, nothing will be hurt, and nothing will be healed, except you. A man of understanding understands all and says nothing to no one. His lips are tight, his only friend is HASHEM, and this he understands. Mortals betray, secrets used to destroy and not heal. Clouds cover the sky, lips cover the mouth, tefillin covers the arm. Keeping it covered, undercover, spies everywhere, not knowing how or why. Secrets written in texts over 2,000 years old, no one reading them, no one knowing. Secrets passing customs, bags not checked, in disguise, untruths, survival of the fittest. Reading between the lines, discovering age-old phenomena that feels good. Rockets shooting up to stars leaving bottles with notes on islands. No one swimming, except me: Al-One in a pool of crystal clear pure blue water, untouched, unharmed.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

"Whoso Keepeth The Fig-Tree Shall
 Eat The Fruit Thereof:
And He That Waiteth On His Master
Shall Be Honoured."
~Proverbs 27:18 

Earning a living, having a job, becoming employed, you're either a servant or a child. Bosses, the higher ups, supervisors, customers, the guy that makes all the rules, telling me what to do, when I do it I am doing the right thing. Good work ethics, pleasing the customer, the customer is always right. Following a set schedule, going to work everyday, showering before and after work, feeling like you are following the rules when you are. Knowing when you do not obey, that you are not doing your best. Respecting your boss, having a boss you can respect is of utmost importance. People becoming supervisors when they are not worthy of the job: his boss would growl at him, he gave me work to do that was beneath my abilities but had to obey him, he yelled at me in his office, no one heard so if a tree falls in a forest will no one know?

Pay your employees on time, pay them immediately the next day after they do work for you. Servants not getting paid, working people who are going to work hungry, bosses who cheat a servant of a livelihood, low minimum wages, forced to volunteer instead of earn money, needing a boss to look up to, working just because working feels good. Working feels healthy--fig trees giving fruit, full plates, buying items for survival with your wages, paying your way, buying gifts, feeling good, having enough cash, tipping, feeling rich.

Then there is yet another type of master:  Y' hosua ben P'rachayah and Nitai, of Arbel said: "Select a "master"-teacher for yourself." (~Pirkei Avot 1:6.) Rabbis are master-teachers. He that waiteth on his master shall be honoured: Carry her books, prepare her tallit and tefillin, smile at her when she walks through the door, obey her, think of great questions to ask her, listen to her every word, read all the books she recommends, do what she tells you to do, the student and teacher, best friends: Now reaping in a fig harvest: harvesting fig trees full of delicious figs: Proverbs, Psalms, Mishneh, Torah Parashat, Festivals, Shabbat Rest. Figs that satisfy hunger: books, delicious sweet figs that are words to remember, like candy, never hungry anymore, always satisfied, brain filled, stomach filled, converting studies into teachings, spreading the word to solve world hunger problems. Hungry? Have them eat cake! Candied figs for everyone!

"The Eyes Of The Lord Are In Every Place,
Keeping Watch Upon The Evil And The Good."
~Proverbs 15:3.
Keeping the Commandment from Exodus 20:13, "You Shall Not Steal."

Electric eyes, eyes of salesmen, security guards, video cameras, metal detectors, alarms, police cars, detectives, searches, frisked, suspicion, teenager fix, get back at 'em, petty theft, not really a crime, politicians stealing not me, grab it, hide it, in a pocket, inside a coat, they'll never know,  phones tapped, "The Eyes Of The Lord Are In Every Place," FBI, CIA, Home Security Departments, damn it! It is wrong to steal! O but it is so easy. O but everyone steals. Who is it gonna hurt? O but it is a corporation, O but they are richer than me, O but I deserve it. Stealing a grape off a vine in a grocery store is like stealing from God. Watching the evil, keeping us on the right and holy path, guilt eating oneself up inside, causing fear, the need to run, the need to hide, running from something that is not there, always "on the run." Pinching pennies, material item temptations, just more junk, thotchkies, O but she has more than me, coveting, it is the newest most popular item on the market, just what everyone needs, not to go without it, it is a magical cure, owning it will save your life! Discounted, on sale, no one looking? God is looking, stealing even the smallest item will indeed change one's life: darting eyes, looking back as one walks, needing eyes behind your head, "But I want it!" Getting a quick fix. Needing to spend money elsewhere, everyone else has it... Stop!

God's eyes are in every place, have Him see you doing good, not evil. It is a Commandment for a reason. On the run? Needing to get out? Must get out and go? Bouncing one's legs, tapping one's foot, guilty, cannot keep one's eyes forward, looking out for God? God sees you. Let Him see you at your best, only your best.